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Brittney Vienneau

5 Instant ways Tiny living can upgrade your life

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

It is not always obvious why someone chooses to live a “Tiny” life. For the longest time I personally thought it was both an impossible but interesting lifestyle. As our team started working with more and more tiny spaces, RV remodels, small cabins and so on I started to see how much impact this lifestyle can be. What I once thought was sacrificial and limiting has now become an exciting and creative adventure. You see, living tiny does not mean you have to live without. Some choose to do both, and some choose to create small palaces. The beauty of creating your own version of Tiny living is just that. It is your own unique take on design and living specifically catered to you. In this article I have touched on just a few life upgrades that I have been a witness to in the Tiny living movement.

1. Physical & Mental relationship to clutter

Ever get frustrated you can’t find something you could have sworn was just there? Drawers overstuffed that pinch your fingers? Do you often trip on stuff in your home?

These may be some subtle signs that your space has too much. You may be overrun with items you don’t need, and it can cause you to have a cluttered state of mind. What I mean by this is that when there is too much in your physical space it can make it hard for some to focus mentally on the tasks. It can also make it hard to keep track of your spending and accumulation of items overtime. The idea of living tiny is to create spaces that work for you to the best of their purpose and that each items is used and valued. When you live Tiny and choose to get a new item you often are okay of letting go of that previous item and all the times it has served you. Passing well loved items along can also upgrade your positive feeling towards yourself when you are helping others.

You Cannot buy your way to happiness

As I am sure you have experienced, buying a new item can be exciting, moment changing, liberating, or whatever you tell yourself at the time of purchase. Buying, when needed, is great but buying to be happy is often masked as “I need this”. There are a few underlying emotional issues here. One can be steamed from a state of “lack” where you must acquire as you have told yourself you are either not enough or don’t have enough. There is an attitude of being discontent with your decisions. You are not satisfied with something about yourself or your space so you continually by more things to help you feel better about vs addressing the issue head on. When you are able to free yourself from these cycles you realize that you are enough, you don’t need more, and you already have everything you have ever needed. It is the most freeing feeling everyone deserves to experience in their lives.

3. More time for adventure

Now that you don’t have this big property, all those cars, and all of that stuff, I can only assume you have a bit more money and time for what matters. Don’t get me wrong everyone needs a place to live and in most cases transportation so let’s assume that is in place in your Tiny living journey. Your new Tiny life is bringing you more time to create, be inspired, and spend your time the way you intend to spend it. What adventures have you been waiting for?

4. Quality of daily routines

Once you're on your tiny journey you can start to experience the unique daily routines within your tiny space. You will still have daily tasks but they will be on a much smaller scale. Allowing you more time to eat in the morning and more free time after work.

5. Increased Income

Believe it or not if you have no where to put it you probably will not buy it. You are going to see a few sides of your financials increase instantly just based on your new living circumstances. On average, Tiny home dweller is not purchasing as much extras as the average household. You are also increasing your income because you do not have a high household overhead and each dollar you earn seems to go just a bit further than before. You are not consuming as many utilities although depending on your type of Tiny you may be incurring new utilities or “unique” expenses to Tiny living. In most circumstances you are saving money here also. You can pay down debts faster and increase your overall net worth without the expensive interest charges.

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